Friday, February 27, 2015

Writing takes a backseat

I was so excited for NanoWrimo. I had been doing outlines and character sketches to prepare. Then my daughter, A, aged 12 was diagnosed with Mono on 10/22/15. At that time I was worried that she would possibly still be home at the start of Nano. November 1st came and I began to write, she was back at school for 2 days prior and I was hopeful. Then Sunday November 2nd we had dinner at the grandparents house and A really enjoyed eating now that her throat was back to normal and not painful to eat. Later that night however she vomited, we figured she just overate...we were wrong. The next morning she as still vomiting. We went to the doctor to check this wasn't an issue from the Mono and her spleen and liver. Both organs checked out and we went home with some Zofran for nausea. Little did we know that this was just the beginning. It is now 17 weeks later and she is still not better. Suffice it to say that my writing has been sporadic, lacking, and just not a priority. Now as of last week I am homeschooling A since we were having issues with the doctor approving home bound through the district, because he in his wisdom as doctor thinks she should be back in school...but I am her mother and I disagree and so exercised my right as parent to teach her myself.

My good friend and fellow writer, Kelly has encouraged me to try to write through this. I have even written about this experience sporadically. However I so often sit down to write and thoughts of A venture into my mind or A herself demands my attention. Perhaps as we get into a routine with her school work I will find time to sit and do my own "work"'s hoping.

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