Friday, February 27, 2015

Writing takes a backseat

I was so excited for NanoWrimo. I had been doing outlines and character sketches to prepare. Then my daughter, A, aged 12 was diagnosed with Mono on 10/22/15. At that time I was worried that she would possibly still be home at the start of Nano. November 1st came and I began to write, she was back at school for 2 days prior and I was hopeful. Then Sunday November 2nd we had dinner at the grandparents house and A really enjoyed eating now that her throat was back to normal and not painful to eat. Later that night however she vomited, we figured she just overate...we were wrong. The next morning she as still vomiting. We went to the doctor to check this wasn't an issue from the Mono and her spleen and liver. Both organs checked out and we went home with some Zofran for nausea. Little did we know that this was just the beginning. It is now 17 weeks later and she is still not better. Suffice it to say that my writing has been sporadic, lacking, and just not a priority. Now as of last week I am homeschooling A since we were having issues with the doctor approving home bound through the district, because he in his wisdom as doctor thinks she should be back in school...but I am her mother and I disagree and so exercised my right as parent to teach her myself.

My good friend and fellow writer, Kelly has encouraged me to try to write through this. I have even written about this experience sporadically. However I so often sit down to write and thoughts of A venture into my mind or A herself demands my attention. Perhaps as we get into a routine with her school work I will find time to sit and do my own "work"'s hoping.

Friday, August 15, 2014


I just finished reading an anthology, Tides of Possibility. I truly enjoyed it and am inspired by what I read. Now this is a science fiction anthology which I LOVE to read, but don't write. However even things that aren't in the genre I am writing, can inspire me to write more and better.
The stories were thought provoking and well written. Many of them I craved more to read about the story and by the author. I have been reading many short stories lately to help me write my own. I find short stories start to get away from me and I have multiple story lines going like a novel. So inspiration can come from a myriad of places. Last week driving through South Texas with my mom, sister, and kids I was inspired by the landscape.
So here is the anthology and I highly suggest you get it, read it, and love it!
Tides Of Possibility

Monday, July 28, 2014

Why writing every day is important to me

Last week I was busy, super busy. It is one of my favorite weeks of the year, Girl Scout Day Camp. This was my fourth year and I love it. My back aches, my feet hurt, and if I'm unlucky I get too much sun, but the best part is the girls. They all have so much fun it makes every moment worth it. The down side last week was that I was so tired, that on Wednesday I didn't write. Then I didn't write on Thursday, which led to me not writing in Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. It is now Monday and I am finally writing something...this blog.
Apparently writing every day is a habit that can be broken and hard to start up again. So wish me luck as I try to get back in the swing of things.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Going to camp

Well I am taking the girls to sleep away camp today. They will be gone until Friday night. I will miss them, however I am hopeful that I can get some writing done while they are gone. Wish me luck and good plots.

Friday, July 11, 2014

How short is short?

I currently have to two novels working in my brain as well as a short story. However as I delve into writing short stories there is some confusion. How short is a short story? I have seen flash contest for 500 word stories. That boggles my mind. I did find a contest for 1,500 words. I wrote a 1,500-word story. The issue seems that I don’t seem to hit my stride until around 700 words. The first 1,500 words are stiff, according to my beta reader (my husband Jarrod). However, I wrote the character as stiff in the beginning. Is the stiffness from me or the character? I found it hard to get my point across in so few words. Yes, writing 750, a day has stymied me, but I wasn’t trying to tell half a story in those 750. I will have to see, I am submitting it to this contest. The deadline is November so I have time to refine and sharpen the story. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Short story, tall order

I have begun a short story. The thinking being that I can finish it quicker and start getting critiques on my writing and learn what I do wrong, what I do right, and where to go for the help I need. I went with a genre I am comfortable with, fantasy.
However, I am thinking about where to take the story and how to get there in a short story format. I am trying to let the story flow and take me where it wants to go.
That is all, I'm off to write.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Writing space

I am sitting here trying to write. I have just had send my youngest (G, 10) up to her room with her laptop because she is playing a game that has the most distracting noises. She thinks I am an ogre that I dare make her leave the living room (a public space in our house). I had been trying to tune out the noise, but then A (the 12 yr. old) came down and was annoyed by the noises too. So to me, a majority in a public space gets the say of what is annoying and must leave. Fair, right? I actually have a tendency to get on the phone in the midst of TV watching with the family and I get sent to my room, because it is distracting to the majority.

The problem also comes because my preferred writing space is sitting in my reclining couch in the living room. I have my laptop, my feet up, and my coffee or diet soda close at hand. I don’t like writing at a desk. So I am trying to use a public space as my writing space. Not good, especially since it is summer and the kids are always around. So now I am trying to think of what and where I can carve out some “Nancy writing” space. The office (despite not wanting to write at a desk) would be an option, except Jarrod works in there every Tuesday, all day, and sporadically during the rest of the week and weekend. We have a “hobby” room upstairs but it is a mess, and we had decided to turn it into a hangout room/homework room for the girls. There is my bedroom, but I really am not sure how comfortable I would be trying to write sitting in my bed. There is just something about my reclining sofa spot that just WORKS. I have a spot open to my left where one of my dogs will come and sit with me. Additionally we have an open concept house with another living area (the front room) where the girls will often hang out watching TV. I can hear their TV from there. Sometimes distractions are not a problem and I am just in the zone and nothing can stop me from writing. But other times that dreaded block comes along and every noise takes me out of my head where I am trying to hear what my characters are saying.

                Everyone has their own technique that works for them. Some are more rigid then others. Am I rigid in needing to be in this exact spot to work? I guess I will try a few others today and see.

Not my actual space, but close.
